MPPTCL Advt. No. AS/MPPTCL/XIII/245 Closing Date: 22nd Dec'2011

MP Power Transmission Co. Ltd (MPPTCL)Regd. Office : Block No. 2, Shakti Bhawan,PO Vidyut Nagar, Rampur, Jabalpur (MP) 482 008Advt. No. AS/MPPTCL/XIII/245 Vacancy Summary: MP Power Transmission Co. Ltd (MPPTCL) which is a wholly owned Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Undertaking incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, invites applications from the desirous candidates to fill up the following vacant positions: Dy. Director (Finance & Accounts) (Class:I) - 11 Posts (UR-06,SC-02,ST-04,OBC-01) Qualification: CA with...

RPSC Motor Vehicle Sub Inspector Examination 2011 Closing on 30th Dec'11

RPSC (Rajasthan PSC) Motor Vehicle Sub Inspector Examination 2011Vacancy Summary For RPSC Online Application for the posts of Sub Inspector Motor Vehicle 2011 in Motor Transport Department in Rajasthan Department.Motor Vehicle Sub Inspector:- 41 Posts Pay: Rs_5200_20200+GP_Rs_2000/pm Age: 18_37 year Qualification: Must have passed Secondary Examination of a recognised Board; and (2) A Diploma in Automobile Engineering. (3 years’ course) or a diploma in Mechanical Engineering awarded by the State Board of Technical Examination (3 years’ course). Closing...

CSIR (NAL) Advt. No. 6/2011 Recruitment of Technical Posts Closing on 31st Dec'11

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (NAL) Advt. No. 6/2011Vacancy Summary:  Technical Assistant:- 27 Vacancies. Technical Officer: 01 Vacancy Senior Technical Officer: 03 Vacancies Lady Medical Officer: 01 Vacancy Senior Technical Officer II: 01 Post Vacancy Closing on 31st Dec'11 Vacancy Details Source: http://www.nal.res....

LIC Housing Finance Limited Recruitment 2011 | 132 Assistant Jobs in LICHFL

LIC Housing Finance Limited (LICHFL)(A Subsidery of LIC of India)Bombay Life Building, 2nd Floor, 45/47 Veer Nariman Road, Mumbai-400001Online Applications are invited from Indian citizens for the post of Assistants in its various offices all over the country in LIC Housing Finance Limited:Name of the Post - AssistantVacancies - 132 postsAge - 21-35 years as on 01/12/2011Qualification - Graduate in any discipline with minimum 50% marks and Candidates should have knowledge of Computer Operations.Pay-Scale - Rs.7400 – 16965Selection by a written...

MPTRANSCO – MPPTCL Recruitment 2011

M.P. Power Transmission Company Limited (MPTRANSCO - MPPTCL)Block No. 2, Shakti Bhawan, PO Vidyut Nagar, Rampur, Jabalpur (MP) 482008 Advertisement for recruitment in the cadre of Dy. Director & Accounts Officers in MP Power Transmission Company Limited MP Power Transmission Co. Ltd (MPPTCL) which is a wholly owned Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Undertaking invites applications from the desirous candidates to fill up the following vacant positions 1. Dy. Director (Finance & Accounts) (Class-I) - 11 posts2. Executive Trainee (Accounts) - 28 post Stipend...

HPSC Recruitment 2011

Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC)Bays No.1-10, Block-B, Sector-4, Panchkula (Haryana) Haryana Public Service Commission invites applications from eligible candidates for to the following posts :1. Professor : 06 posts in Ayurveda subjects  2. Lecturer : 01 post in Ayurveda subjects 3. Reader : 06 post in Ayurveda subjects How to ApplyFilled in application form should be sent to the Secretary, Haryana Public Service Commission, Bays No. 1-10, Block-B, Sector-4, Panchkula, Haryana by post or in person on or before 09/01/2012. (Last...

National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) Jobs 2011

NATIONAL AEROSPACE LABORATORIES (NAL) (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research - CSIR) P.B. No.1779, Airport Road, Kodihalli, Bangalore – 560017 National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) is a premier research laboratory under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). NAL is looking for bright and highly motivated Technical Staff : 1. Technical Assistant Vacancies - 27 posts Pay-Scale - Rs. 9300-34800 GP Rs.4200/- 2. Technical Officer Vacancies - 01 post Pay-Scale - Rs. 9300-34800 grade pay Rs.4600/- 3. Senior Technical Officer...

UPSC Advertisement No. 23/2011 | UPSC Recruitment 2011

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Shahjahan Road, Dhopur House, New Delhi – 110069 Advertisement No. 23/2011 UPSC invites Online application by 29/12/2011 for following various posts in Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC). The posts are : 1. Deputy Director (Administration/ Insurance/ Training etc.) Vacancies - 36 posts (UR-17, SC-5, ST-3, OBC-11) 2. Deputy Director (Finance) Vacancies - 20 posts (UR-9, SC-3, ST-2, OBC-6) Pay-Scale - Rs. 15600-39100 Grade pay Rs. 5400/- Fee payable is Rs.50/- in the shape of Central...

South Indian Bank 400 Clerk Jobs December 2011 Notification

Recruitment Of Probationay Clerks: 2011-12 The South Indian Bank Ltd. invites applications from Indian nationals for filling up vacancies of CLERKS for branches/offices in KERALA and TAMILNADU IMPORTANT DATES: Online registration – opening from -07.12.2011 Online registration – closure on -24.12.2011 Last date for remitting the application fees at any branch of The South Indian Bank Ltd. -28.12.2011 Last date for receipt of application(system generated) with photo and other documents -31.12.2011 Down-loading/Printing...

Jharkhand Gramin Bank Recruitment 2012 - Office Assistant Vacancies

Jharkhand Gramin Bank issued notification for the recruitment of Officer Middle Management Grade (Scale-III) , Officer Middle Management Grade (Scale-II), Officer Junior Management Grade (Scale-I)-Group-A, and Office Assistants (Multipurpose)-Group-B. Important Dates: Starting date for online application submission: 08/12/2011 Last date for online application submission: 07/01/2012 Payment of Fee: From 08/12/2011 to 07/01/2012 Date of Written Exam: Officer Scale I, II & III: 19/02/2012 Office Assistant: 04/03/2012 Dates for downloading Pre-Examination...

HSSC Recruitment 2011

Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) Bays No. 67-70, Sector-2, Panchkula-134151 Applications are invited through Registered Post by Haryana SSC for the under mentioned posts on the prescribed application form. 1. Patwari : 1002 posts in Land Records, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 grade pay Rs.2400, Age : 17-40 years 2. Sub Inspector (General Line) : 120 posts in Registrar Cooperative Societies, Pay Scale : Rs. 5200 - 20200 grade pay Rs.1900, Age : 17-40 years 3. Sub Inspector (Audit) : 66 posts in Registrar Cooperative Societies, Pay Scale...

UP PSC December 2011 Recruitment

Public Service Commission, Uttar Pradesh (UP PSC) 10, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, Allahabad-211018 Combined State Engineering Services Exam - 2011 Applications are invited by UP PSC for following posts : 1. Assistant Engineer (Civil) Vacancies - 137 posts (UR-69, SC-28, ST-03, OBC-37) in Irrigation Deptt. 2. Assistant Engineer (Civil) Vacancies - 53 posts (UR-27, SC-11, ST-1, OBC-14) in Irrigation Deptt. 3. Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) Vacancies - 16 posts (UR-1, SC-5, ST-04, OBC-6) in Irrigation Deptt. 4. Assistant Engineer (Electrical/...

AIATSL Recruitment 2011

Air India Air TransportServices Ltd. (AIATSL) (A wholly owned subsidiary of Air India Lttd.) Air India Air Transport Services Ltd. (AIATSL) invitesapplications from Indian nationals for the posts for ground duties, on a fixed-termcontract basis, for a period of three years which may be renewed on the basis of their performance of work for filling up thevacancies of the following posts at Mumbai : 1. Customer Agent Vacancies - 144 posts Emoluments - 1st Year - Rs.12000/- per month, 2nd Year :...

Bhagyanagar Gas Limited Recruitment of various posts Walk in 19.12.11

Bhagyanagar Gas Limited  (A joint venture of GAIL(India) Limited and HPCL) Parisrama Bhavan, 2nd Floor, Basheer Bagh, Hyderabad – 500 004. Vacancy Summary of Walk In Interview :   A Walk in Interviews Will be conducted by Bhagyanagar Gas Ltd  for selection of suitable experienced professional for the following positions on any day of 16, 17 and 19th of December 2011 between 10.00 AM to 3.00 PM. Chief Manager/ Sr Manager (Finance & Accounts) Sr Manager/ Manager (Marketing) Sr Manager/Manager (HSE) Sr Manager – Projects...

DSIIDC, Recruitment 2011 Closing of Vacancy is 20th December'11DSIIDC, Recruitment 2011 Closing of Vacancy is 20th December'11

Delhi State Industrial & Infrestructure Development Corporation Limited N-36, Bombay LIfe Building Connaught Circus New Delhi 110001 Website: www.dsiidc.orgJobs Date of publication: 06.12.11 Jobs Ending: 15 days from date of publication. Delhi State Industrial & Infrestructure Development Corporation Limited(DSIIDC) has following vacant positions available for which applications are invited:Two Group'A' Posts of Chief Project Managers/ Ex. Engg.(Elect.) Pay Band: PB_III+GP_Rs.6,600/- Qualification: 3 years of regular service on analogous...

SRDC Recruitment 2011 of varoius posts Closing Date: 23.12.2011

 SRDC Vacancy Summary December: 2011Deputy Director(Urban Planning):- 01 Post Pay: Rs.15600-39100+GP Rs.6600/ On Contract Pay: Rs.53000/ Consolidated. Deputy Director (Engineering Works):- 01 Post Pay: Rs. 15600-39100+ GP Rs.6600/ On Contract Pay: Rs. 53000/ Consolidated. Assistant Director (Architecture):- 01 Post Pay: Rs.15600-39100 + GP Rs. 5400/ On Contract Pay: Rs. 45000/ Consolidated. Assistant Director(Electrical):- 01 Post  Pay: Rs.15600-39100 + GP Rs. 5400/ On Contract Pay: Rs. 45000/ Consolidated. Assistant Director(Civil):-...

MSET Maharashtra State Eligibility Test 2011 Result

Maharashtra State Eligibility Test for Lectureship (SET) Was Held By University Of Pune result based on either your name or seat number or application number. Please enter your name as it appears on your application form/ hall ticket at following siteSET Result: Check SET Res... Rajasthan University B Ed Exam Result 2011

The University of Rajasthan is the oldest institution of higher learning in Rajasthan. It was established on 8th January, 1947, as the University of Rajputana  with the main objective of disseminating knowledge and catering to the needs of the students of Rajasthan. It  had jurisdiction over the entire state. In the year 1956,University of Rajasthan (UOR), located at Jaipur, is one of the leading universities in the state of Rajasthan. It has been accredited with an “A+” grade by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC),...

Ugc Net CSIR Exam 2011-Hall Ticket

Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), India, a premier national R&D organisation, is among the world’s largest publicly funded R&D organisation. CSIR’s pioneering sustained contribution to S&T human resource development is acclaimed nationally. Human Resource Development Group (HRDG), a division of CSIR realises this objective through various grants, fellowship schemes etc.Human Resource Development Group has been contributing significantly towards producing an inquiring society and fast growing knowledge economy....

SSC Result of Insp./Sub-Insp./Intelligence Officer Exam 2011

The Staff Selection Commission conducted an open competitive examination on 28.08.2011 all over India, for recruitment of Sub Inspectors in CPOs, Assistant Sub Inspectors in Central Industrial Security Force(CISF) & Intelligence Officer in Narcotics Control Bureau(NCB). 2. The result of the 29542 candidates who have qualified for PET/Medical examination on the basis of performance in Paper-I was declared on 20.9.2011. An additional list of 3101 candidates was also released in respect of the candidates who have qualified for PET/Medica on...

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